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Authenticite is the first European group of fine art experts specialized in antique furniture, art, sculptures, paintings, drawings, jewellery, antique, modern and contemporary objects.

Our teams in London and Paris are available to meet your needs whether you want to buy, sell or know the value of your works of art.

News releases

Valuation of a French Louis 16 skeleton clock in our next auction

Column Appraisal and valuation, Furniture and works of art

Philocale auction house in collaboration with our experts specialized in free valuation and free appraisal will auction a French late 18th early 19th century skeleton clock, Saturday 14th of September in Orleans.


Pendule squelette à arceaux à un cadran, en bronze ciselé et doré, émaillé bleu étoilé et marbre vert, signée Baullier à Paris. Le cadran annulaire indiquant les heures et les minutes en chiffres arabes et romains, accosté de griffons, est orné d'un panache à l'amortissement. Base ornée en bas-relief d'amours jouant parmi les nuées.

Début du XIXe siècle

H. 46 L. 26 P. 12 cm

Mouvement incomplet et accidenté

Bibliographie : Kjellberg, Encyclopédie de la pendule française, Paris, L'Amateur, P. 319 fig D.


Estimate: 4,500/6,500 euros