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A Flemish oil on copper at auction
Published : September, 12 2016
Philocale auctioneer in collaboration with our company specialized in free valuation and free appraisal Authenticite sold at auction an oil on copper.


Ecole flamande milieu XVIIème siècle.

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A drawing by Marcueyz at auction
Published : September, 09 2016
Philocale auctioneer in collaboration with our experts specialized in free valuation and free appraisal at Authenticite sold at auction a drawing by Paul Marcueyz.


MARCUEYZ Paul (1877-1952).

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A Juke Box at auction
Published : September, 08 2016
Philocale auctioneer in collaboration with our experts specialized in free valuation and free appraisal at Authenticite sold at auction a Juke Box by Wurlitzer.


WURLITZER, Juke box modèle 1015.

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A Boulle bonheur du jour at auction
Published : September, 07 2016
Philocale auctioneer in collaboration with our experts specialized in free valuation and free appraisal at Authenticite sold at auction a Boulle bonheur du jour.


Bonheur du jour en marqueterie Boulle de laiton sur fond d'écaille rouge ouvrant à trois tiroirs, deux vantaux à tables ovales sortantes. Ornementation en bronze doré. Pieds galbés

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A Boulle cabinet at auction
Published : September, 06 2016
Philocale auctioneer in collaboration with our experts specialized in free valuation and free appraisal at Authenticite sold at auction a Boulle cabinet.


Meuble d'entre-deux à hauteur d'appui en bois noirci à façade galbée à décor d'une marqueterie Boulle en laiton et écaille. Plateau en marbre blanc. Ornementation de bronzes ciselés et dorés. (accidents)

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A Napoleon III Boulle cabinet at auction
Published : September, 05 2016
Philocale auctioneer in collaboration with our company specialized in free valuation and free appraisal Authenticite sold at auction a Transitional commode.


Armoire basse d'entre deux à hauteur d'appui en bois noirci à marqueterie Boulle d'arabesques en laiton sur fond d'écaille. Il ouvre à deux battants à médaillons ovales rentrants. Montants à pans coupés et ornementation d'espagnolettes en bronze doré. Soulèvements partiels, plateau cassé collé.

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Philocale auctioneer in collaboration with our company specialized in free valuation and free appraisal Authenticite sold at auction a Transitional commode.


Commode à léger ressaut marquetée de bois de rose, bois de violette et satiné dans des encadrements. Elle ouvre à cinq tiroirs sur trois rangs. Pieds cambrés, plateau en marbre gris veiné, ornementation de bronzes dorés.

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Philocale auctioneer in collaboration with our company specialized in free valuation and free appraisal Authenticite sold at auction a bronze by Raoul Larché.


LARCHÉ Raoul (1860-1912), d'après

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A bronze by Bourgouin at auction
Published : July, 07 2016
Philocale auctioneer in collaboration with our company specialized in free valuation and free appraisal Authenticite sold at auction a bronze by Bourgouin and Susse Freres.


BOURGOUIN Eugène (1880-1924).

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Philocale auctioneer in collaboration with our company specialized in free valuation and free appraisal Authenticite sold at auction a pair of bronzes by Gaston Broquet and Susse Freres.


BROQUET Gaston (1880-1947).

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