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Authenticite is the first European group of fine art experts specialized in antique furniture, art, sculptures, paintings, drawings, jewellery, antique, modern and contemporary objects.

Our teams in London and Paris are available to meet your needs whether you want to buy, sell or know the value of your works of art.

News releases

Each week our specialists publish an article about Art and its markets.

Antiques, painting, drawing, sculpture, furniture, fine art, porcelain, ceramic, work of art, carpet, tapestry, silver are among the subject studied.

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For just over a month, all the specialists and curators in old masters questioned the paternity of a painting sold by Sotheby's Olympia (London) in December 2006. The debate focuses on the author of the painting and therefore its value: £50,000 or £10 million.

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Whether to sell, or insure your old or modern paintings, objects or furniture it is necessary to know the value at a given time to avoid disappointment.

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Painter recognized by fans and collectors of paintings, but unknown to the general public, Eugène Boudin (1824-1898) captivates and enchants with his seaside skies. Let’s focus in this artist and his influence on some big names of Impressionism.

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The frames, decorative instrument, change over the centuries. To understand and recognize its style, it is interesting to browse its history. Originally, simple built of wood, the frame becomes a work of art in itself that combines delicacy with the work of the sculpture and gilding.

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An urge to sun? We invite you to (re) discover this week the life and work of Jacques Majorelle, one of the great Orientalist painters of the twentieth century.

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Our last auction of the year 2012, organized by the SVV Art Valorem near Drouot, was a huge success. Back on some lots sold.

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Thursday, December 13, Drouot area, SVV Art Valorem in collaboration with our cabinet d'expertise will auction drawings, old masters and modern paintings, furniture and antiques in particular an exceptional Limoges enamel Nativity, silverware and jewelry. Let us look at our favorite.

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Saturday, November 10, SVV Philocale in cooperation with the firm Authenticity for furniture and art objects organized an auction at the Château de la Fontaine in Olivet. This vacation consists of ancient and modern books, paintings and drawings, sculptures, silverware and jewelery and furniture and objets

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Major event for fans and collectors, the second edition of Paris Tableau will take place at the Bourse de Paris from 7th to 12th November. Discover a preview of our selection fine paintings from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

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This week our newsletter invites you to sign the petition launched by "La Tribune de l'Art" designed to maintain the budget of the French Ministere de la Culture.

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Sunday, September 30, SVV Le Floc'h in collaboration of our firm will auction in St. Cloud, prints, drawings, old and modern paintings, sculptures, Asian art and furniture and works of art. We offer you a small overview of lots which have retained our attention in different specialties.

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Joseph-Marie, dit Jef van der Veken (1872-1964) est un peintre anversois renommé pour avoir restauré avec un soin inégalable des peintures de Primitifs flamands. Copiste sans pareil, l’apogée de sa carrière de restaurateur est sans aucun doute la copie des « Juges intègres » de l’Agneau Mystique de Jan van Eyck, réalisée en 1945.

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Auctions of Impressionist, Modern and Contemporary art took place in New York as usual in May. The auction house Sotheby's realized a flawless result, smashing several world records for many artists and won the palm with the most expensive work of art ever sold at auction to date.

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Following the Manet retrospective in 2010 and Monet in 2011, the Musée d'Orsay associated with the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston presents Edgar Degas (1834-1917). The bias of this exhibition is not to make us rediscover the works of Degas, whose last retrospective was in 1988, but to present a new angle

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The art history was written without José Maria Sert (1874-1945), quickly forgotten after his death in 1945. Support of the artist to the nationalists and Franco after the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) has certainly contributed to the ouster as his artistic choices.

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Rendezvous of lovers and collectors of beautiful drawings, the 21st edition of the Salon du dessin will be held in the Bourse de Paris from March 28 to April 2. Take a sneak preview, our selection of five exceptional drawings old masters, modern and contemporary.

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Saturday, January 14, the SVV Philocale, in collaboration with our team of experts in antique furniture and works of art, will auction in Olivet old books, old masters and modern paintings and drawings, jewelry, watches, silverware and furniture and works of art. Let's have a look to some lots.

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Honore Daumier, this name evokes for many of you a caricaturist of society and politics under Louis Philippe and the Second Empire. But he was also a true artist of his time both engraver and lithographer, painter and sculptor. Let's have look to his life and work.

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Carmontelle was a fine artist specialized in drawings and watercolors. He organized the Duke of Orleans, future Philippe-Egalite, parties’ and was an inventor of genius. Very famous in the second part of the 18th century is fame did not cross the mid 19th century. Yet fans and collectors, starting with the Duke of

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June 22, a painting by Austrian expressionist Egon Schiele was sold by Sotheby's London more than 27 million euros ($ 40 million), multiplying by almost two the previous record held by Schiele in 2006. An exceptional work of art by both the subject and by the evidence she left in history.

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